Jessye and Sky Bartlett, who live near the spectacular White Mountains of New Hampshire, welcomed bones players from as far as Cork, Ireland, for Bones Fest XXII. This perfect venue took place at the Comman Man Restaurant. Not only were the bones players impressed by this venue, but many people from the surrounding area came to enjoy and learn about the bones. In Sky’s words, “…I am always amazed at how the RBS crowd loosens up right away; there is no slow warm-up phase, just full-speed right at the start.”


Pascal, an attendee from Ireland, shared what the bones fest manifested for him: “I…was moved by the inclusion and friendliness of everyone!” And, as Sky opined after visiting with the Ireland contingent, “…I felt as though I had known them my whole life. Something about rhythm bones does that…” These are the common summations that bones players have experienced for all the years that the Rhythm Bones Society has existed.